Follow Me, Friend
For much of my life I thought I was crazy and with good reason. I had a dark secret; a secret so well hidden, I had no conscious recollection of it. What the mind chooses to forget, the body and spirit remember. As I grew from a child into adulthood, I became two very different people -- The happy, content and normal person I presented to the world; and the horrible, self-abusive, self-destructive person I was behind closed doors.
These two versions of me and the personalities within me that controlled them were slowly destroying me. I fought fiercely to protect the world from my true self but I was loosing the battle. As I was about to give up entirely and succumb to the darkness, a light appeared in the form of a horse. She knew my secret, and she knew how to help me find my path to healing. This is our story... |
This book is in the early editing stages. I am actively seeking a publisher at this time. Please visit the official Facebook page for the book here. If you are interested in the story, please "like" the page. You may also visit the book's website